Random :)
c'est la vie.
Kaiwen's Place.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I'd been missing from blogger since a long time ago.
Form 4 is really an epic year, a year full of drama, stress, studies, work etc etc!
Life's not rosy and peachy after all!
Oh yeahhh, not to mention the fact I'm thinking of how close am I to leaving high school everyday.
Secondary school life is just so fascinating, everyday it's full of surprises.
I'd never knew why do I even bother hating it last time.
Every time I'm thinking that I'm in senior year, I would think that every event would be my last already. If I had missed the opportunity, there might not be another one in my life.
Why does time have to pass so fast?
There'd been so much thing to say here, if i were really to update my blog, but I don't have time for everything.
Ciao, people. :)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Mr Doctor :)
Despite the ill-looking building, it was and is the best clinic ever. It’s now officially closed because of some really sad case. My doctor had been diagnosed with lung cancer, the last stage. The very nice doctor who treated everyone with care. He’ll give poor people free medicines and stuffs. Like those stories, nice doctors, giving out free stuffs, but not many real life doctors will do so.
Without realising, I can’t help but felt a weird feeling when I was told the news. It was like somewhat a year ago since I last see him. I asked if I can ever see him, but I was told maybe not, because he’ll be back at home resting, and the clinic was even sold. And that if he keep up a happy life, he might have more time.
Life’s really unfair. He doesn’t smoke, no alcohol, big no no to drugs. And so wth does the god care. It’s destined. He helped many people in curing their sickness, though minor ones. Yet, this is the life he gets. I heard he was so angry that he got this cancer, because he thought he had been leading a good life.
I still remember those days when I refuse to eat my medicine. I hated him for giving me all those sour+sweet-in-a-weird-way+minty+bitter medicine. And there were tonnes of them. He would then offer me with sweets if I eat them.
You know, children. They love sweets. And so do I. He’s really nice. Made me eat all those medicines and all. Although I know all other pediatrics might do that too. But there’s this special bond I dunno how to explain. And when I was sick, he’s always there. He’s humorous too. I like him :)
There’s this last gift he gave to my aunt for me. I think, I’ll never use it.
This post is for you, my family’s doctor. I hope you’ll recover soon. TQ for everything. :D Well, mr doctor, it’s time for you to be the patient and let other doctors to take care of you. Get well soon and keep a smile on ur face :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Community Pool
I'm back to blogger. And is in an extreme mood now. Went to check how's the construction going on at the club near my house. All I see is just a few tape blocking public people from going in. Still, I slipped in and managed to catch a glimpse on the two small swimming pools. But what I see weren't swimming pool. I think it's more to what we call lake. It's totally green. I think I can see larvae swimming in it.
I got frust out and went to ask the guard. This construction thing had been going on since somewhere in October. Early of October, yes. They were just painting the walls then. The guard was also very angry with the people. They had not come to continue their work, and just leave everything behind just like that. What are they thinking?? It's holiday man! You could've earn three times of what you earn during school days!! And they could figure out to paint it during the holiday. PERFECT! Brilliant manager you have there, dude!
-.- whenever i wanna do something it just never happen
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Moved On

I'd moved to tumblr, so, do visit me in http://ilovechocolateflavour.tumblr.com which will serve the same purpose as my blog.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
swimming gala finally ended. manage one silver for relay free. i felt really bad about the last event. im really sorry about that guys. :(
hope the jamuan thingy will go on right. tomorrow need to go kutip fees from all those members. gosh they just won't give me a restt those members should really work up on handing in money in time.
went outing with laijoeyee and limchiyen. it's something we didn't do since so long ago. i missed them alot. met kahyin and gigi and audrey and others. sad thing i didn't see joey because she went back early. and vanessa lim too. the canteen day was boring. i was looking for something to eat budden my breakfast and lunch was only feasted with a cola mentos candy since there's is literally NOTHING. ok you may say i come late. LOL. yet they should still sell something. ended up eating at jusco mcd. ate spicy chick mcdeluxe. niceeey. it was since how long ago the last time i tasted it. had fun watching lailai play basketball at the arcade section. so many ppl watched, it was so embarrassing. then bought vamp diaries the 1st two volumes. hunger games dun have. need to go back to popular. what the hell, mph don't have discount. selfish people should just change their occupation to sell fishes!! ok this is so lame. then we played and fooled around. how i missed every seconds when we're together. also took a short tour to our primary school. everything felt so small. i remember the aunty who cleaned the toilet, though she looked at us with the why-are-you-guys-here-when-im-cleaning-the-toilet-and-get-out-of-my-way's face.
btw i just remember sth happened in MPH. LCY was saying thank you in a fierce way to me budden the we thought that she was saying it to the male cashier so we laughed at her tone. and then one ignorant malay lady just said to the cashier dude " diorang nampak kamu handsome, sebab tu gembira sangat!! " we were stunned and showed the wtf faces.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Feathery Night
I was not specifically excited before the show. Maybe because I was like seriously exhausted. That night before I only slept for two hours.
LOL never mind this picture :)

Someone forget to eat dinner because she woke up late. That's like so funny and weird.

We reached there at first, meeting a few bangla dudes selling his tags. He kept on persuading us to buy with RM10 but we just ignored him. We saw a few person dressed glamourously, which is quite cool and some of them do look like him.
I envy those persons who own those meet and greet passes, I wonder how they got them!!!! Never mind, I'm lucky enough to see him singing live already. The queue was like so long for something, which I dunno what it was for. There're some very cute mini digi planes like that which is controlled from far away.
We also saw many police and firefighters, which I was very curious why is it for until today I know why. There's a small crowd of people protesting against his concert. I wonder why are they overeacting, he promised that he would not do those stuffs means he won't. Please for a few times just try to think of him of being an authentic musician with a great voice. Luckily the crowd
dismissed very soon.
(hotpress.com) ok this is so lame. I dunno why i upload it.
We lined up and went into a long tunnel before we reached the rock zone part. It's like so far away from the stage, but we tried our best to squeeze in the front line of rock zone. Met timothy and his mom there. They played a few music videos and sponsors' advertisements on the big scr
een during our wait before the concert started. And there's this ad from star world i think, which make everyone screaming for Adam everytime it appear. It showed him in his white suit(a very cool one) with Kris Allen in the finale of season 8.
Haha the tiny gate just couldn't stand us crowd anymore. I think those really crazy fans had somehow manage to burst open the fences. Without further delay, of course we rushed to front. Luckily we're holding hands(sounds weird) if not we might got lost in the crowd. There's daniel lee, and a violinist, and another malaysian singer named iqwal???!!! if im not mistaken. I dunno.

daniel lee

iqwal (i reli dunno!)
Then there's another long wait after those guest singers. So there's those big yellow digi balls to regale us. Hahaa THAT is somthing people with numbered seats didn't get to play and they were like super excited when they'd got them sometimes.

There's also this funny woman in silver clothes who danced Bad Romance at those free seating areas and she actually managed to grab every single person's attention in the stadium.
He started with a medley of songs. He danced during Strut. There were a flying kiss during "Fever", which was the most he had gave us Malaysian fans. The peak was If I Had You, where he asked everyone to sing with him and where he introduced his band members and dancers. Everyone jumped and sang.

"sure fire winners"
I was recording a bit - lucky those RELA people didn't realise, but when i went home and listened back all i heard was those fans screaming. And every time he hit high notes, the fans actually screamed their heads off. I think two fainted at the our zone.

He introduced his band members. When it reaches Tommy Joe Ratliff's turn, everyone hoped that something would happen because the screaming just didn't die. Haha and Adam sort of show us a speechless and adorable smile indicating that he would've loved to but there's this promise thingy going on with him and the gov. Ok we'll understand though there's less thrilling it's still amazing. Anyway he did that for our own good, so that he'll be allowed back to Malaysia sometime later.
i totally salute his bass skill and he's super hot!

By the way i think the band was too loud. A bit sort of covered his voice. OMG i just love the way he sang aftermath and broken open acoustic. Ok q here saying he cried when he sang broken open. I don't think so. I still think that was his glitter or sweat.

Met so many people. Was totally worn out. I think I stood almost 5 hours for him. Nevermind, it worth it afterall. Free standing is still better than numbered sitting. You don't get to party together with everyone.

I hope that the press can help him spread his Glam Nation theme. He said the theme of that night was LOVE. It's not gay. So just stop insulting it's so annoying.
Okay, I just signed up for twitter out of nothing just to follow what Adam Lambert has to say about his Glam Nation Tour. I saw from here http://www.mmail.com.my/content/52239-adam-glams-our-nation-tonight that he's not very happy about the parties statement that he's bringing a so called gay lifestyle in his concert. Well he's right to be furious. Ok, i think he just love auckland so much.
Thank you for such awesome show. Made my night =)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
After three days of disappointment. After three days of moodyness. I got in!! Today's such a historical day. I managed to call in hitz. fm. And I got those tickets. yay!!!!!! k i can't blog much gtg :D see ya after pmr bloggie.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stabbed my heart. If the ticket price is so expensive, better not announce it. Want to buy the cheapest one? Prepare to watch the big screen there. The Pitt. Dun even have to think about it. Free standing. The possible of being step to death is worse. Stop dreaming. Concentrate. Exam's coming. Great news. Thanks for brighten up my hol.
MTV Music Video 2010. GaGa took 8 prizes. I can't wait for 8tv to put it on air. I wanted to watch Eminem n Rihanna XD (her hair damn cool).
3 weeks from now. Why don't it just come faster. Finish it fast.
Gtg, prepare for the worse of my life.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Out of Randomness.
I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so addicted to The Sims 3. There are so many secrets lying behing, waiting for one to reveal it. I already had an experience of a meteor in my house. You can analyse the rocks and if it's real valuable, you can sell it for a very high price. A stupid repomen came to suck up my stuffs for not paying bill (I did!). And there's one guy in my household. Damn cool - his wish is to be a heartbreaker. The lifetime wish stated that I'll need to be a boyfriend of 10 girls. And I make him marry all those rich girls n ask them to move in so that I'll be rich!!! You can even play guitar on the road to gain tips =P
I gotta stop that shit. I promise myself not to touch the lappie again. Internet is preferable than that game, at least i won't get addicted.
Speaking about the last few school days - especially Thursday. Thursday's totally a waste of my life. If there's no exam on that day I will be the first person who signed up for the I-will-ponteng-on-that-day list. Watched the dunno what Princess. Omg it's like the best anime I had ever watch. There's some really big pig coming out. Leeches are coming out every where from the pig's body. And then some girl (she looks like a guy - oh okay every gender in this anime look alike) was sucked in by the pig's leeches. And then there'll be some kinda spirit. Forest spirit, yea. Then this hero guy will come and save the girl. And then there's a big white wolf. That wolf was also bleeding. It died. Then I also dunno which part of it is the climax or exposition. One word to rate it : Boringggg.
Dahlah LVV's eyes were glued to the screen. =.=
I was bored to hell.
Yea Adam Lambert's coming. N the ticket price is not announced yet. Faster announce!! I need to know so that I can find time to argue with the persons who dun let me go!!! And at the article they promised the most reasonable price. I hope it is so.
Three days of the hols had passed. Thank goodness they cancelled it =.=
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A Comma (,)
Finally, we bid farewell to our final test before our HUGE exam. I don't know. I just know that I'm not ready yet. Not at all to face this stupid endless nights of studying shits.
I really dun get the point of studying history. It's the past. We should learn about something happening now. Or at least something about our world. And those exaggeration =.=
Geo, ok I get the point of studying geo. It's about the place we are staying, but I just don't like it cause there's alot to memorise.
Geo and History should not just about us.
What am I crapping??!! See, those studies had drive me crazy. I even talk about it in my first blog post after a month.
Although this is like so long ago, but our IU Day was a blast!!
And I hate the pressure and burden I am carrying now. I hate the fact that I always worry so much about something, and planned every other better paths if there's any shortcomings. Maybe this is anxiety disorder. I dunno it's a pro or a con. It might appear as something really good for the others when I manage to find other ways to solve something, but it's of no good for me.
I will most definitely miss Prefectorial Board 2009/2010. I don't thing I love the duties much, but those things you learned, is something you won't learn elsewhere. I will miss Cindy's joke alot. Damn, she just so funny! Most of the people in the board are so funny. It's either they are really funny, or they are NOT funny at all until you can find something to laugh at them about. They certainly did coloured my stressful year!
Things happened were happened. So let's let the burden off our shoulders for the minute!
It's just a comma for me to take my breath, before the two coming dreadful months, then only my beloved fullstop for the junior years.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Bday Celebration
Really sorry that I can't celebrate your birthday with you tomorrow!!!! I hope both of u will have fun.
Btw, can't wait 4 2mrw =D
Sunday, June 27, 2010
homeroom was fun. duty at gate B 1st til 9pm. then mr tan asked us to go duty at gate a for ushering. we just sit around the gate. i really can't stand it when someone keep on asking us to duty and ownself will just play with her friends. some friends invited me to play the 'concentration' and the biri2 game. it was very funny because all of us keep on making mistakes. then the parents arrive, so we dispersed into our respective classes. then ate a lot. played Uno Stacks and listen to radion since that everyone is concentrating on 3K because they are really into the homeroom discussion thingy. manpreet gave a speech and most of the parents looked touched.
i bought the last song. looked for the disc in the whole pasar malam, only found it in one stall which has not many customers. i was so eager to watch it, but then thanks to the lying brat!!(well i think he doesn't noe about it so he just simply say). it turned out to be total blurrness where u can't even see what the actors are acting. watched mj concert instead. damn it!!
finished darren shan's second book at last. i read in a real slow pace, because i wan to keep it for when the teachers are teaching boring lessons in classes. can't bear the urge to read on saturday, so finally finished it. can't buy the following book because stupid pmr is coming. everything also must wait until pmr finish only can buy. haih.
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Damn it.. I dunno what happen to my ms word kst file.. All can't open.. Must redo everything again!!! And where to get the stupid chinese new year pic.. I'm so confused @.@
My elemen 2 looked so thin.. Hope it's enough..
oh whatever, let's enjoy this last few days of school-free without worrying about any undone homework =D
Thursday, June 3, 2010
There Goes Me.
My new drug is this :

Well, not only the first book. The whole series of it.
I love mobile games, they just rocks more than facebook games!!
Played softball for the last time in school today, well I passed the first time but the second didn't because it was so slippery. The floor is effing dirty, the dusts are even visible on my black socks.
Tomorrow is the last day of school! Sure leisure mall will be packed wid SAB students..
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Game Season
There's some weird satisfaction in yourself when you see your love ones start smiling and laughing like a child without anything else to worry about.
That's the favour I'm doing for them now. Just some simple and easy games can make them smile like that, how often do we see that? Now that I realised that there were almost 50 game files in my old handphone which I had abandoned, turned out to be the best games I had ever play! I was on my way testing the games so that I can reformat the memory card, but I realised all the game was so nice, so I ended up deleting nothing!
School's on tomorrow again! It felt like holiday already since friday is wesak day.
These three days is the most boring days. I did 50 sudokus on friday and saturday because I'm too bored.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I almost missed my seni paper today because I came late, I reach school at 8. It was so scary. Malaysia's traffic standstill really is a big problem, I could've reached before 7.20.
Finally i finished all the exams for mid year!! It's so stressful, every nights of two weeks ago, I've been suffering by sleeping only 3-4 hours per day. Damn headache.
This is the new way of cheating in exam. Use your scientific calculator, because you can write the question numbers and the abcd options. Then, just pretend your friend needs the calculator. Later he can reply back through the calculator when he 'return' your calculator. The teachers are too lenient, they shouldn't have let us borrow anything from other people during exam.
Those human won't have any stationery. @.@
Today is also American Idol's finale!! No big deal, because there will be AaronKelly-free. Btw, I'm Lee's team. I don't really like Mamasox.
Okay, eclipse is coming out. I'm so looking forward to Hp7, but we'll have to pass through our PMR first.
Football season is back! Well, I'm not exactly a fan, but i've got this special limited edition pendrive. It's 8GB. =D
before the opening
it looks like a football keychain
but it's actually a 8GB pendrive!
And I owe you people some answers, which I hope no one else will ask me again in my life because I'd answered it over and over again. If it's a question from a different person, it's ok. But sometimes the very same person asked me these questions again and again.
Q : What is this thing you drinking? Is it oil or chinese tea?
(The yellow liquid I always drink during recess)
SA : Neither. This is urine.
RA : It's actually something call HONEY DRINK. You know the nectar the bees get from the flowers. And it actually tastes sweets, in case you didn't know.
During exam seasons, this questions is often asked. From the malay students, Im ok with it. The probe is a few bc students which i sit with everytime during bc period asked this again and again, I'm really pissed.
Q : Why you didn't take chinese exam?
SA : I want to fail it.
RA : I'm from SK, which also means Malays schools which don't teach chinese. However, I'm not a so-called banana. I can speak, write, and read chinese. And in case you guys forgotten, I'm with you guys during free period with Puan Kalai as our guru kelas bimbingan.
Q = Questions
SA = Sarcastic Answers which I want to say to them so badly.
RA = Real Answers
Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm obviously NOT a fan of Miley Cyrus. But I think the plot of this movie is quite nice. Can't wait to watch it.
And the theme song of the movie, When I Look At You is quite nice. I like it the first time I hear it on its trailer. The volleyball guy is quite hot LOL.
Today is supposed to be a wonderful day for Sabians since that we're the only school not having school today, but every holiday mood seems to be ruined when you realise the fact that exam is starting this coming Saturday!! Currently staying at home with nothing else to do but homework or online, and so I chose to online! I'm not determined enough. Haiz, let's see how my results will drop this time.
Here comes goodbye
Here comes last time
Here comes the start of every sleepless night
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Aaron Kelly was eliminated! It was the saddest thing ever, he was so good!! I don't know what's wrong with American that they love Casey James so much, he's not hot at all! His last song was so nice, I hope he will have an country album of his own.
Suddenly, I thought of something that had really been buzzing my mind nowadays. I don't understand why it must happen, I know I am so bad to even think of something like that. I can't be so selfish, I know I am not doing the right thing. I don't know, but it's just so frustrating. Worst of all, I can't tell anyone about it. Someday, the volcano might just erupt.
I'm trying to 'busy' myself with all those folios and projects that must be done. It's so scary when everyone next to you had start studying and you haven't. God, exam is really coming already.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
There are so many things to be finished nowadays!! It's not exactly homework, but I just feel like I have so much things to do which cannot be finish!!
Okay, everyone is sick in my house except me. I think I will become sick soon, thanks to them. Imagine being around everyone who is sick and wouldn't open the window or on the fan during this type of weather!
Class teacher changed our place. I'm so not used to this new arrangement, and I miss Fazlyya and Vivien alot. It's like I will stop connecting with them already.
Last tuesday, I just realised what I hate on fashion. Thanks for reminding me, and I totally agree with everything you said!
There's a fuzz over the singing competition that is held by the PBC club.
I don't know what is wrong with the person at weihwei's blog. I don't know what I did to that particular person which makes him or her act like that.
The red font post is the real me. I will soon find out who u r, I am really close to that already. You have no idea how much I can know from your writing style.
REAL KAlWEN.: hey,whoever u r, u're just a stupid person ohh no a stupid teen women.Stop using your dog mouth.It's just noisy when u come here.aiks,ur mum gives a REAL name to u,plz use your REAL NAME as well.
REAL KAIWEN.: hey, whoever u r, u're just a stupid person. Stop using my name for urself, ur mum gives u a name so that u'll use it. And sorry fong, the previous two posts were not from me. Sum1 is spamming.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Nothing else I can say.
What's the use of complaining it to others? It's not like they can change the fact.
I just don't understand how come the standard is going down down down. Last time there used to be so many good people. Now it's just worst than every thing!
Today's inter-class drama competition was amazing (although I had only watch one) !! Yes, one - the Titanic. It was so funny!! The Ros in titanic was named Ros-GaGa. Lol. When I was form one I used to think there will be three more years til our turn. And next year is going to be our turn. =@
Okay, I just know that my blood group is O positive. It'll be super duper hard to get blood donation. O is already hard, need to be positive some more. I guess that's life, huh?
This Saturday is Bicara Akademik + a damn long talk from our pengetua + duty!! I hope my duty is either at the first or second shift so that I can go home earlier.
And this Saturday I'm like kinda not available. I don't know what time, where and what, but Nikki just booked my Saturday. It's kinda obvious they're up to something but I can't say anything because when I say something they will be like : " x ada kaitan with u!! " or " not talking to you lar, don't perasan!! "
Leave it.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
My Biggest Birthday Celebration
First of all, thanks to Vivian for the fabulous party. I had never celebrated any of my birthday before, so thanks alot! But just one thing, next time we could just eat together, there will be no need for cake. It's expensive. Not to forget those who were at Pizza Hut - Yuvenesh, Kalpana, Sim, Cheng Yun, Timothy, Ao Zhu, Shi Ern, Yun Qiu and Casserene. And those who went to eat KFC - Vivien, Wei Hwei, Low and Shao Xian.
I don't know why am I always so stupid. I went to my duty place 5 minutes early before my shift, and I end 15 minutes late.
It was very boring to duty at the front door alone. However, everyone there was very kind to me. Mr Tan treated me with an ice-cream. He first offered me to buy the expensive drumstick instead, but I saw the price and I don't like it already. Then he still insisted that the cheap cheap ice-cream not nice, I only managed to make him buy me the icy grape one by saying those drumsticks would made me thirsty. And the guard too, he offered me to sit in his guard house which has a fan and a cushioned chair. A super muscular Negro almost knocked my nose when he passed me and he put in the F word in every sentence he spoke. 0.0
After the sports day, we walked a whole long journey to the LRT station. It was very funny when the train arrives because at first, it was totally empty. The next second, when the train opened its door, the train was flooded with SAB students. We rushed in like kerbau keluar kandang.
Reached Jusco. Then we discussed in the middle of the pathway where should we eat. Cindy complained that by having a PIBG meeting there, we were blocking the road. A few of us went to kfc - like I mentioned - and most of us went to Pizza Hut. I went to meet Sim and Cheng Yun at KFC, and they wanted to join.
I was sorry about the fuss we had to arrange when I brought Sim and Cheng Yun without telling them first, but I also just knew that they were following. I hoped no one was angry about that. Cheng Yun was so daring to go to ask a couple to move from their place so that we could combined our table. To Shi Ern and maybe the others, he is not what you think he is.
I knew it, there must be something. And so there came the chocolate birthday cake. I asked them not to sing the song too loud, but they sang it louder, I think til the whole restaurant can hear ady. Haih, it was so embarrassing.
Cheng Yun's greatest idea : He pulled out everything except one candle, and pushed the last candle really into the cake. I must pulled it out with my mouth. My face didn't kena anything thanks to the piece of chocolate =)
When we left the restaurant, Cindy and Sze Ann told me happy birthday. Haih they also heard.
We went to Jusco's Wonderland. I played a game of 2 vs 2 table hockey. Me and Sim vs Qiu and CY. Haiz we were leading at first but at the few last one I missed alot coz I not tumpukan perhatian already and the final mark was 11-15 (We lost T.T)
A guy was so good at basket ball he scored 150++ OMG
Went to MPH and look for a few books. Went back and was very happy with the trip. =D
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The weather is just so effing hot!! I don't know what is happening to our earth. It's so frustrating because if I just do some simple thing I'll still end up sweating like hell. If I on air-cond every night, its going to be real expensive!
I dunno what to blog, but just simply wrote something.
Hope hari sukan and the outing after that is going to be fun!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Litar Sepang F1
We left school at 11.45 like that. I don't understand why that bus driver like to honk twice everytime when the students are near the bus, is he trying to burst our eardrums before we'd even hear the F1 cars? He's jealous, most probably.
Puan Dayang briefed us. She's quite funny. She says no food is allowed, yet when I leave the bus, I saw plenty of plastic bags. Definitely we'll kena marah soon. Mr Affendi instead will be with us on the bus, while Puan Dayang will be driving to the mosque.
The first stop was so fast, like 20 minutes journey from the school. What's the point of stopping so early for half an hour - such a waste of time -. They say it's to buy food to eat and have fun. I didn't go down because the stalls were like selling fruits 0.0
Stopped at the mosque for 1 hour. T.T
Reached the circuit at 3pm. I'm so jakun, took almost every thing I can see. Well, it is not something you can see everyday.
We did not wait for teacher, so we went in. The sound of the cars are so fascinating, we got excited and went in without wearing earplugs. I wonder where's the loudest point, and I knew it when I was watching the cars. I tried to take pictures and videos, but it just doesn't work. Because I was struggling to close my ears with both hands and to take their pictures at the same time.
The cars were super fast and loud, even closing our ears didn't make any difference. We gave up and went to find teacher, met Zulhelmi and he asked in a stall how much a pair of earplugs cost. RM50. Whoa so cheap. Then I saw the cheapest and smallest key chain there already cost RM75. And Karthik was giving Kalpana RM50 and ask her to buy whatever she can buy? RM50 can finished by just buying some water. We cant do anything else, so he called teacher. We walked all the way back to the main entrance, it was so freaking far.
With earplugs, things are getting better. I managed to took a few pictures of the cars. It was really hard to take the cars pictures, videos are easy. Kalpana didn't get any pictures of the cars when they were practising. The timing must be very accurate. We took a few illegal pictures of the cars. I bet not many people from our school got that picture.
They stopped practising. Kalpana and I walked around the place and we saw many expensive things. It started raining. Then we met our schoolmates again, lining up for something. I symphatised them, so I asked Kalpana to share our really small umbrella with them. Just then I know that we're lining up to see the garage. It was raining heavier and heavier, and the bitch who is not a gentleman at all break Kalpana's umbrella. Thanks to him, I shouted and swear alot.
Everything is just so wet, my back, my bag, my shoes and my phone. However, it was quite fun playing in the rain without that bastard. Some one from the inside took our pictures, and a very kind uncle shared his umbrella too. He was so good =)
There was a conflict. It was almost 5.30 but the tunnel was not opened yet, so Puan Dayang called our beloved principal, and she said we can't stay if we can't go in before 5.30. Most of us got angry of course, what's the point of not going in when we came so far to here? No one's going to be happy.
I was squeezed in the queue. It was so damn crowded. A woman came out and said that priority was given to children and if there were any pushing, she'll close the door straight away. Some says Puan Dayang asked us to go back, we almost moved back, but we were determined to wait for a while more.
A weird ns guy suddenly talked to me. I just listened and smiled a bit. Finally we managed to squeeze in. I met Kalpana halfway because she went in first. I took photos of all garage. There were some group photos too, I hope they will upload it faster.
Reached school at 8pm. Exhausted and wet, but a total great experience.
PS : Photos are in Facebook. Some pics are very blur. It's either I'm walking very fast or the bus is shaking.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I'm not very good at making decisions, and yet they are many things for me to decide on.
I don't want to do it. There's no other choice, yet I'm still reluctant. I'm not going to spend my holiday doing stupid things like this.
I'll work on other ways to fix it.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010

I know it's the first picture that came out when you search "friends" in google image, but I really like this picture. It sorts of represents a big gang of friends, with different types of personalities and yet they're still best friends. Which is what I feel and doesn't feel I have these days.
Friday we said goodbye to those Bogor students, and there was a trip for a few prefects and them to Putrajaya and the Sky Bridge. I didn't go because when that day they asked who want to go I was not in the briefing room. And there was a dinner yesterday, although I didn't go. It's not like many prefects want to go either, because there was only 10 places but no one wants to go.
It's the holidays ALREADY. But it doesn't feel like one. There was so much homework and we need to go to the National Library for the history folio.
Signed up for the Maths Olympian thing. Sure cannot go wan la.. Other people all so good.
HAHAHA. I can't help laughing when I was thinking of what you had done. You are always so funny and blur. Sometimes you became too whats-the-malay-word-again (to describe people like JY that always do things in a hurry) and nervous, then you'll freaked out about something really small and unimportant. I still remember when you accidentally said something wrongly and then the whole lot of people were laughing at you. All the best in your coming journey.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Global Warming
These days are just freaking hot and my teacher told me the temperature will never decrease because of global warming; and I can't on air-cond everyday, it uses a lot of electricity.
I still haven't figure out what my oral and lisan title should be, and both teachers want to start it on monday.
Oh, and here's the G705. I thought the memory card was 2GB. Disappointed.
And we watched Tiger Woo Hoo at school today. Why can't they put movies like 72 tenants of prosperity.
Siobhan resembles Adam in some ways. They are both weird and unpredictable, and she sang high notes just like him. And I love the guys team, they are like so good.
I only see hatred.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I'm NOT!
I'm not that kind of person. Stop saying that. You may think it's funny but when it get too over it's not. You don't need to say it many times. Once or twice, it's forgivable. But not a million times.
How should I ask them to stop it?
Method 1 : Hey, I'm not ____ so stop calling me that. I'll appreciate it.
Method 2 : Or just spit these (STFU *&#$%^%@^*&!%$) at them?
Method 2 sounds much better.
Always, action speaks louder than words!! I obviously can't and won't do that, so I'm just crapping here. If you terasa, please do. Because it would help alot. The last thing I would want to do is to risk our friendship by telling you, and it would be great if you get to know what I am thinking indirectly.
And, I'm not being small-hearted (translate to BM!). It's a normal emotion that I believe not just me will feel.
Oh I think this should be quite a good way.
I should just be proud of being that kind of person.
So now I will start telling you : I'm just a 100% typical ____.
Urgh frustrated.
But I know always behind all this, there's three person who will stand with me, denying such names, as they did before. This is it.
Right, gotta set my mind for tomorrow's party. Cheer up !
Kay, I'll try going to LJY party first before LVV. It's gonna be hard to arrange the time, but I hope I won't miss LVV's one because she would obviously kill me.
I haven't study for Penilaian yet, and there's two more english essays to finish. With only one day time. Tomorrow and Saturday was booked by friends so more or less it's just one day time.
And one really last thing, try going this website. It's quite nice if you get someone who doesn't talk about horny stuffs, you can get to know the culture and life of other people in other country, and you can have a fake identity as no one will know because you will simply be named after stranger to that person. http://omegle.com/
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
CNY celebration
It's the third day already.
Went to a few relatives houses. Yesterday was just like an eating party.
Freaking bored when I was waiting for the time to go to another relatives' house. Dahlah I dun talk to my cousins,the sofa is effing crowded pulak. (5 people sitting on a 2-seats-sofa)
So I'd got nothing to do but to play with my handphone. Suddenly got addicted to Sally's Spa. Lol it was so nice.
There was a game - very hard to describe and i don't know the name. It is some type of game to test your logic skills, so it seems that both of us haven't got any, we looked at the answers to solve the game (was caught) and felt pretty proud of ourselves after solving the 60th puzzle and he tried creating the 61th (x jadi).
Oh there was also a very cute cousin's son.
The fried chicken was nice. The steamboat too. Drank 3 cans of carbonated drinks. Don't say I drank too much kal. Better than someone who drank 5 cans.
Oh yea someone make me take this
Tonight still got people coming. Haiz.
Going to watch the interview with Fahrenheit and the concert.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Baby Cupids vs Prosperity Tiger
Which do you choose? Family or your valentine?
It's eve already!! All sorts of delicious food are on their way.. No worries about exam first because its CNY tomorrow!!!!
My last time duty-ing at block is just filled with guys talk. Jasraj came back after kena tegur, JB came to play around and Aimann. They were talking bout weird weird things. Looking forward for the next time when I jaga block cuz it's so easy.
Now the previous photos of 2 Jaya were finally upload and can be see in my facebook profile.
No one is updating blog. Freaking bored.
Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief is going to be nice!! The director directed Hp 1 and 2!! And Valentine Day too. So sad I can't go and see in cinema.
Bye going to watch The Luckiest Man for the third time. (大四喜)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Better Luck Next Time
What sort of day is this? Never-ending bad luck. Haiz.
I'm still ragu-ragu about the CNY party. It's like going to be so fun but I'm still not sure to go anot. Sorry for doubting how fun the party is. Since that so many people pujuk me go, I feel bad rejecting, so I'll think of it totally all over again.
I came back from PJ lessons and found out my bag has green paint on it. WTF. I got so angry and never spoke for a long time but return back to my hyperness after recess. Then Brandon and Syed sort of come and apologize. Haiz what to do. It's my luck.
For a moment I was an Interactor, and for another I am in Kelab Pencegah Jenayah. Im so confused about the club thingy. Why must the school make it compulsory for prefects to enter this stupid thing? I hope they DO demerit those who didn't go for the club.
Kris Allen's videos and photos (autograph session in Mid Valley) is now available in my facebook profile! XD
Vivian's sick!! Won't see her til next next week =(
I really do miss my form 2 life and 2 Jaya freaking lot!!! You see, the time I should spend with my friends are divided perfectly. In classes, mostly laughing at stupid and weird jokes would be with Kal and Yuve. During recess and most of my free time pulak is Vivian (mostly heart to heart talk) . And BI lessons Im with Aozhu.
But now what? I really dunno who should I meet everytime I have any free periods. I feel so bad if I palau-ed anyone.
Argh, I did my part.
OMG I am so fed up. If I can ever draw things as nice as her, I wouldn't be me. So don't expect me to have notebook which are same like hers, except if you want me to colour-photostate her whole book.
I hate hating anyone. But I just can't help not doing so. Some days, especially those time when the persons I hate kept quiet or concentrating on something and staying still which makes them look totally innocent, I will feel guilty for hating them. Suddenly I'll think that whatever they made me mad is just some stupid jokes they are trying to make, and I'll try to forgive them for whatever harm they did. But later you'll see the person you hate again when they start talking and moving. But you see, can anyone seriously love that teacher? Stop doing whatever you're trying to make us think, because we'll not. And stop loving a person just because they're good or clever, but hating the person who are stupid and slow. Never pick students should be in our school's Piagam Pelanggan.
Oh, get well soon both of you. =)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
CNY's coming!!
Can feel the kemeriahan already. It's like CNY's song is everywhere now. And I'm making some biscuits.
Homeroom memang kaw-kaw. I heard 3M's so having great discussion. Lol. Our class have only a few parents so we students eat back all the food we'd brought and I drank alot of carbonated drinks. Played games and wonder around the block alot. Lucky din't kena catch to go duty.
One last week for school.. But after CNY's penilaian 1!! WTF.
I made punya seaweed crackers.
Both my favourite CNY biscuits!
This is my CJ7 before and after cleaning. It looks alot cuter and its available at my pencilbox already. I malas wan rotate it so it ended up like that.
Yesterday filled my day by colouring this picture. And I never thought I could ever do that. Credits to Kalpana for teaching me the method.
I think I just sprained my ankle.
So tomorrow. The guy's coming. To Mid Valley. And I'm not going to see him. I can only watch him.
Watched Sherlock Holmes. Jude Law's so cute. When I see from another point of view, I think it will be a boring movie to people who doesn't like detective stories because it's difficult to understand if you don't concentrate. It's very interesting but mostly the stories is about chemicals reaction, but not clever methods to solve cases. It's funny if you understand.
I find it hard to look into people's eyes when they talk to me. That's why last time Aslam asked me whether I juling anot. =.=
Miss 2 Jaya alot! Finally I brought my memory card back and uploaded all the pictures I promised all the old classmates to upload but x jadi last time cuz too busy. Oh crap I dunno what happened to facebook or its my computer speed. The upload failed. =.= Will upload it next time.
Omg the Amazing World is showing damn gruesome documentaries. A very pretty girl just ate alot of bread worms (i think this is what they call the yellow-coloured wormy ). Its ALIVE and it's body is moving in a wave-like type when the girl holds it. Ewww.
Yay it's deleted. Thx god. =D
Saw this at Qiu's profile and feel like doing it.
2. For each question, press the next button to get the answer.
4. Tag 10 friends who might enjoy doing the memo as well as the person you get the memo from.
Hate that I Love You - Rihanna
Sure Fire Winners - Adam Lambert
A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta
One Time - Justin Bieber
Live Like We're Dying - Kris Allen
agree =)
Right Now - Akon (would it be better if it's a part of the question? - What do your friends think of you RIGHT NOW?)
Apologize - Timbaland
WHAT IS 2+2?
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
What About Now - Chris Daughtry
Right Here Right Now - HSM Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens
No Boundaries - Adam Lambert
Lucky - Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
Ave Maria - David Archuleta (haha it suits)
Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo
Do You Remember - Jay Sean ft Sean Paul
Sexy Bi*ch - Akon ft David Guetta (haha lol)
Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
Paparazi - Lady GaGa (hahahaaaaaa)
I know You Want Me - Pitbull (0.0)
Can't Stay Away - Kris Allen
No Surprise - Chris Daughtry
I Wanna Touch You - All American Rejects
Be On You - FloRida - Neyo
21st Century Breakdown - Greenday ( make sense!!)
Waking Up In Vegas - Katy Perry (OMG)
Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls ft Taylor Swift
Right Now - Akon (would it be better if it's a part of the question? - What do your friends think of you RIGHT NOW?)
Apologize - Timbaland
WHAT IS 2+2?
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
What About Now - Chris Daughtry
Right Here Right Now - HSM Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens
No Boundaries - Adam Lambert
Lucky - Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
Ave Maria - David Archuleta (haha it suits)
Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo
Do You Remember - Jay Sean ft Sean Paul
Sexy Bi*ch - Akon ft David Guetta (haha lol)
Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
Paparazi - Lady GaGa (hahahaaaaaa)
I know You Want Me - Pitbull (0.0)
Can't Stay Away - Kris Allen
No Surprise - Chris Daughtry
I Wanna Touch You - All American Rejects
Be On You - FloRida - Neyo
21st Century Breakdown - Greenday ( make sense!!)
Waking Up In Vegas - Katy Perry (OMG)
Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls ft Taylor Swift
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kris Allen live!
I wanted so badly to catch Kris Allen live in Mid Valley. T.T But obviously I can't.
The first 200 with his original CD will get his sign T.T
It's on Monday so obviously I can't go. Asked him and I can only watched a video he'll be taking some videos and hopefully some pictures. Hope it will be a nice view. Will share it if i can =)
I had always wanted to post those old pictures I took but I always forget to bring the memory card back .. Hopeless.
Do we need to do the Li computer? I can't cuz it's too risky to put my pendrive in the school's computer.
I'm so behind in everything. I can't catch up because the teachers are giving confusing homeworks which they will pick according to what they like and we must do it according to different methods. And sometimes they would never mention when they want it, but suddenly the next class he'll be scolding like hell when people don't hand in.
Penilaian 1 is after CNY. Haiz exams are just so freaking annoying.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Bleeding Love
I got myself hurt at tuition yesterday. A bunch of stapler bullet got stuck on my toe. It bleed like hell. But it doesn't hurt alot.
I cut my hair twice. The first hairdresser broke my hair so i went for another one. But he cut my hair super layer the upper part, so it's very hard for me to tie it.
My favourite days would start from Wednesday night, because I got to watch 90210. Thursday there'll be American Idol 9 & 8 and WWE. Friday will have Mega Movie and American Idol 8. Now every weekday will have Pandamen XD.
I can't imagine American Idol without Simon next year. What could be worst.
Last Friday was the most tired day of all. I stood for 3 1/2 hours at gate A and Lorong Gemilang to welcome DPM. It was very cool to see him entering our school compound. The road was blocked, and his bodyguards jumped out of the minivan before the driver have even step on the brake yet. He waved to us at Lorong Gemilang. We waited for him to enter the class room with all the media, saying welcome and thank you sirs + madams for coming. While waiting I chatted with Aimann.
It was very funny when the guys behind me and aimann was discussing whether to say "hey dude" or "hey member!" to DPM among themselves. They even thought of freaking his bodyguard out by putting their hands in their blazer as if they were holding guns.
A VIP just said something which made me got scolded from everyone that were there. Thanks bro.
Yesterday I was sms-ing with Vivian and she told me a super lame joke which she say is not lame.
I don't understand why people have to be so gila kuasa that can do everything for it. It just make yourself not any better than a bohsia.
I can't bear not reading Harry Potter this year just because we're facing PMR. Erm so I started to read Philosopher's Stone again and still find it as interesting as always.
Kris is coming to KL on 8th February.
Grammy award now! Wished I had astro Star World!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
DPM tomorrow!
I missed today's briefing T.T and it's like im totally lost because the DPM's coming tomorrow and I don't know anything.
Somone's not going to school tomorrow because she'll walk for Thaipusam. Unfair!
Spy Next Door! I can't wait to watch it. Starring Lucas Till =)
Tomorrow's really gonna be very busy.
Haiz nth to blog~
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
So Rotten
Finished intervensi yesterday!! But I still didn't get the chance to blog til now. There were alot of things on my mind before this, but I forgot everything once my fingers touched the keyboard.
Oh yeah. During the exam, I got over-bored and wrote a short story. It's just crap, but I dunno why do I kept on reading it over and over.
The date's set. DPM's coming this Friday. I don't really like the idea. Especially when I must wear baju kurung with the neck-cutting collar.
Last Saturday everything's done for him, and because of someone (not to be blamed) he can't come to SAB. I just dun understand why we must redo everything again, I heard the prefects must go back at 1pm on Friday!
Why don't you try standing 3hours++ without even squatting down, forcing a sweet smile, saying welcome and escorting guests everywhere? I know you are a sensei, but that doesn't mean that students are not human. I never complain doing the stuffs up there, because I'm happy to serve for the school. But you said something you really shouldn't which make me think that you doesn't qualify at all. I dunno what makes you one.
What defines Intervensi? Exercises? We just marked our own paper for intervensi. This is the first time ever I do something as ridiculous as this. What's the point of intervensi at all? Paper ones are acceptable. But marking our own paper two just sounds so weird and is like all the students will go and ask for different answers, so why don't you mark it yourself instead.
I dunno what must I bring for Literasi Computer tomorrow!!! I can't bring my pendrive since the school computer is full with HARMFUL VIRUSES. And I can't print because my printer's spoiled. I'm So SORRY for not bringing anything, I'll do the project together, I swear!
I can't believe AVATAR really beat TITANIC. I haven't watch it yet, I am going to watch it this Saturday, and find out what's so nice about that.
I wish I could drive. That would settle everything down. No more quarrels, and I won't be so angry anymore. I always doesn't like the way adults do it. Keeping those in my head is going to end up having something really bad.
I just knew that you'll go forever. I just can't bear the truth. Gonna miss surely.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Making A Choice.
I've been thinking for so long, and finally I'd decided to join kawad. So lame because it was like it started so long ago dy. All thanks to my friends, the hottest topic that they would like to chat with me is about kawad. And I started missing those busy days (not kawad). But can I manage my time? Hope it won't influence my studies, if it does, i'll be dead.
Even now I'm having serious problem in class, I always fell asleep when it is after noon. Especially during BM classes. Not to say that she's not a good teacher, but BM lessons are always after noon so I'm sorry but I'll have to sleep during your class. There will be whole lot of thing to complain if I start talking about teachers.
The everyone-loved teacher is asking us to buy some book which I think the questions inside were so lame. Even text book can give out better questions. PMR is coming so we need to train with really tough questions which we don't normally see, and which is PMR format. Not those fill-in-the-blanks type one. Those can be found in the free SPBT text book which can be copied down to something called exercise books as some ways to appreciate the existence of them.
And the next one. He can never hear anything I ask. Not just me. Even my friends are asking something, but he just can't hear, and he'll continue talking about his own stuffs. SS is wat we called.
And another one. Always give homework which we need to print out from computer. You think my father open ink factory wan ar!! And there's some probe with my stupid printer which makes me need help from my friend to print it out for me. Hey, I need my face to continue living with my friend! It's so embarrassing to keep on asking her to print for me.
I thought the school's gonna give us better teacher this year, as something to encourage us to study better for PMR. But why is it no difference?
I just went to a talk by a guy who wants to raise our spirits to get 8As for PMR. I know he's trying very hard but I think he's actually telling the things which I already know and i don't think it's that funny that i need to laugh like how someone sitting beside me did. And he miscounted something like Mel said. LOL.
Oh shit. Gotta do my homework.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
It's Thursday already?
Tomorrow's gonna be the last day to duty at Gate A. OMG surely will miss it so much and I haven't transfer finish the data yet!!
Finally created another blog!!
Countdown 7 more days to intervensi.. Oh shit haven't study yet!
American Idol Season 9 starting tonight. How to watch WWE?? Ish Ish..
WTF.. Why must you give us some hw to print everytime?? Can't u just teach like other teachers do? I suddenly think that my form 2 teacher is a very good teacher.
Snakes on A Plane tomorrow!! Thrilling movie!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Group A supposed to clean the Bilik Peperiksaan. But those teachers inside says that we're not allowed to or they don't need my help. And they instructed us to clean the Taman Herba.
Then it was mostly like we're struggling from those weird insects and plants. Teacher gave me a kinda scissors to cut and trim those unwanted plants (I don't even know how to differentiate what she mean by unwanted when I don't want ALL the plants there). I thought those was gardener's job. And hey, I'm not in Kelab Pencinta Alam so why in the world am I doing the Taman Herba?
I dunno why everyone in the group got extra work to do that they can't go for the gotong-royong, there was only me, nicole, fatihah and shahira. At first Aimann was there but then he went somewhere else. Mr Tan asked us not to stand there and do nothing so we went to find some work in Taman Herba.
I sort of cut all those yellow leaves and saw about 10 caterpillars and alot of huge red ants. I can't help thinking there was something on my neck. It was sooo creepy. And Nichole asked me to teman her to walk somewhere else. But then she don't want to go back T.T
Then I felt really guilty for leaving the other two members there, I told Nicole that I'm going back but I don't think she heard me because Wee Peng said that she was looking for me all over the place. Opps sorry! I joined them to clean the Air Pancut thingy. We must scrub those dirt and fungus. Eww. It was quite fun, but they don't enjoy it though. They complained about those disgusting fungus, but I think it was quite okay.
I hate it when they don't like to finish something they're cleaning just because they're dirty, sorry no offense. I think I'm doing my part quite good, but my back was aching because I carried that extremely heavy stone by myself.
That uncle was really good in this kinda stuffs. I'll salute Mr Shahbudin for saying that I don't have any skills but I just know how to study, because I think he's totally right about me when I see how professionally those workers pulled the heavy(they don't think so) stone easily and how an aunty manage to do the siphon thing to make the dirty water flow out to the drain. They were so great!!
Then I hang around in the canteen after working, saw the teacher. Oh congrats =)
Then another teacher sort of come to me and asked me to bring a whole tray of bread to the bilik rawatan for those students there. On the way, I saw Mdm French. OMG guilt filled me. She said that she heard I'm quiting, but I didn't get what she said so I said I was just sending those bread to the bilik rawatan and ran away. I always realize how lonely she is. Then passed those bread to JianBeng that was studying there.
Then I ended up chatting around after doing my part at the Taman Herba. Felt really satisfied although I didn't do alot.
I listened to quite a lot people's opinion, just then I know that people don't approve them. Honesty and trust is all but it never happened between them.
I hate noise. I really really hate noise!! They're so distracting.
Okay, suddenly someone came home and decided to go to eat KFC. Regretted eating lunch!! It was still so early and I'm not hungry yet. How am I going to stuff those chicken in? LOL
Friday, January 8, 2010
Oh Crap!
I thought dunid go for computer today as it was the last period but I was wrong. Seni teacher spent all the remaining time mumbling that we should reach the art room earlier.
2mrw there'll be gotong-royong again!! We're doing this for a bunch of visitors that are coming to SAB this month, with intervensi somemore!! WAA omg.
Kay, got nothing else to say. I wanted to online for a longer time, but I have nothing else to do. It felt like such a waste when the connection is good and I got nothing to do online.
I really dunno how and who should I spend my free time with!! I don't want anyone to feel that I am not caring about them anymore!! How leh? How leh??
Thursday, January 7, 2010
This is my first post for the year! It is a week already.. How fast!!
I felt like creating a new blog, a whole new, private blog. No one is going to be able to read it. Not any one. So that I can write whatever I want there. Without the need to care who's gonna be angry and who's gonna make fun of it. Wait til I have time.
Copy names and names and names and class. So many people were late. I think they should put four prefects at Gate A. Lol.
The first day at school is so so weird. It was a very bad weather for the first day of school. There was a meeting in the briefing room today. Met many person who I totally lost contact for two whole months! I had a duty at Gate A, and it's RAINING! Mr Tan gave out some umbrellas, and I got one (we were to share it). It felt nice when the parents will smile back at us and say thank you. But it was awkward when they didn't see. There was no assembly due to heavy rain.
When I just about to return to 3J, my friends came and tell me about the class things. *Good* to know that all three of us got different classes. I know that when I have four best friends, at least I'll be with one of them. But not a single one. And all the other peoples have their best friends together, and why not me? Every year I am experiencing the same thing, over and over again. I wonder how much more time I can do it again. End up sitting at the last place in my class. OMG.
The next day, because of they didn't manage to have an assembly the day before, so they make it 2 hours. I was not in the oven(hall), but I was not having fun also. I was ALL alone at Gate A. People have gangs, guys with guys, seniors with seniors. Which leave me alone!! I got so so bored there! I just got the news that one of the few good teachers that is teaching me is leaving. Why do I always get no good ones?
Nothing is right!! Everything is wrong!! I'm going to explode soon, need some cooling down!!
(Wed)Tuition I was the only girl among those close friends! Everyone go for night class. But I still prefer Mrs Lee. Was stuck in boys group, listening to nonsense and wrong stuffs, caught in guys talk, bullied someone XD, and totally did not pay enough attention. I kept get the wrong meaning of the question. Ugh.
Suddenly Nikki says she's coming to Universal. Got a shock. Jasraj tell me he coming too. I got a bigger shock. Then Ignatius tell me he coming. I got the biggest shock. Why is everyone coming to Universal? Was thinking to go to Ao Zhu's tuition centre for geography, but today wake up late from nap, so x jadi.. haha wait a few months later lar. Thanks for your offer!! It's so kind of you.
Thursday is PA system day!! Why can't we go to briefing? I just missed all the fun!! It was so bored standing there like some waiter(not those restaurants ones, literally meaning people who waits). I asked you to help me to tell Kal about not buying the accessories for me, and you didn't tell her. Haiz. Hopeless.
Science 2 periods. OMG-HAHA.
Must keep all the PA things after school for the form ones. Arghh late.. Someone called.
Saturday got gotong-royong?? OMG. And you said that you were actually giving us credits for doing something for the school, while you your ownself is the one that wants to go home early, so you set it 2pm. What's the point?? Look who's talking.
I started to miss every announcement. It's like I dunno what's happening!!
Is Avatar such a nice movie? From what I know the director is James Cameron, the director of Titanic. There were rumours that the ticket selling is going to be more than titanic ( the first-selling-movie) while titanic is so good already! HJT can tell me all about Avatar after watching.
I miss those times when my friends and I will ejek everyone!! It was such a fun time!! Now I dunno how to spend my recess and free time, Vivian gang or Kal n Yuvee?? Last time at least can talk to those peeps in the class, but now neither one can! Things are getting so hard for me.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goodbye 2009!
Farewell!! 2009 was a fantastic year!
After today, i must start writing 2010 instead of 2009 in my notebook.
I will try to be a better blogger next year.
I thought that I'll not be able to post my last post this year because there was no connection just now, but suddenly dapat connect dy =)
And now I'm trying to post a nice and long post before I turn 15 tonite!
The end of 2009 = The end of my life.
The start of 2010 = A year nearer to 2012!! WTF!! (lol, PMR year lar..)
I am freaking out. I don't know why but I just don't like the idea of getting older, eventhough I'm still not-so-old to complain. Tonight got Teen Choice Award and Boys Like Girls Malaysia Special =D
I think I had just waste my form 1 life since I realized that I didn't know many things when I was form 1. I learned that there was a marching competition in our school this year. ( I know this is so lame! Such a big event and I didn't know anything about it last year!)
This year's things had changed so much.
Sometimes I think my blog is such a useless thing. I cannot say or do things the way I liked. Where's my kebebasan bersuara?!! What's the point of having a blog anymore.
Homework's not done yet!! School is starting!! I'm not ready for all this. -oh, and prefect life- haiz
I met a lot of new friends this year, which is never could happen in my history because I couldn't go talk to people easily. One of them is someone who we might see holding a medal in olympic. XD
There were new friends, and there were things I had lost too. This is life.
Most importantly, this year I met with two person who are both very special in their own ways. =D
Thanks for bringing me so much joy this year!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Now I must hold a box of tissues and a plastic bag wherever I go.
Finally I fell sick. I knew this would happened from last time. Caused by my sleeping disorder which is from 4am to 12pm. T.T
Yesterday I kinda slept at 11.30, felt like such a waste of day.
I dunno why someone should fall sick when they don't get enough sleep. I would love to not sleep at all the whole night. But it's so impossible.
Got no appetite at all.
Titanic was fantastic. Mr Bean's Holiday this Mega Movie. Yay love countdown and xmas!
Oh gosh - I still have so many Maths homework to do. Today got PMR exam, who didn't go must pay extra money.. Gotta run.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Titanic or The Mask?
Why does it have to be like this? There will be times when there is no nice movie at all, and they would just put all nice movies at one time so that they can compete against each other?? I hate it so much when the time of the movie I like will cramp together.. Titanic or The Mask?? Titanic got Leornardo DiCaprio, then The Mask got Jim Carrey pulak.. How you want me to choose lar??? I watched The Mask from the half of it, while Titanic I never watch before. Which one shall I choose?!!
AMA was very nice yesterday. There was Kris Allen, Chris Daughtry, Taylor Swift, Lady GaGa, Kelly Clarkson - and so many more. I was waiting for Adam Lambert's performance, I didn't know that it was the performance that receive many complains from all over the world. I kinda recognize his make-up when the black eyed peas high 5 with him. Then I thought that they edited the performance since that there was not enough time. 8tv censored the kissing part, but I think I saw the other gross one. The performance look so wrong, but he's still cool. Lol. He sang so horribly there, maybe he's nervous. In the album he was better.
I watched most of the Magician's Biggest Secret Reveal yesterday. I only guessed correct one of those trick. The others was so stupid.
All is not as friendly as I thought. Haiz. I wonder when I'll find someone who really cares.