I know it's the first picture that came out when you search "friends" in google image, but I really like this picture. It sorts of represents a big gang of friends, with different types of personalities and yet they're still best friends. Which is what I feel and doesn't feel I have these days.
Friday we said goodbye to those Bogor students, and there was a trip for a few prefects and them to Putrajaya and the Sky Bridge. I didn't go because when that day they asked who want to go I was not in the briefing room. And there was a dinner yesterday, although I didn't go. It's not like many prefects want to go either, because there was only 10 places but no one wants to go.
It's the holidays ALREADY. But it doesn't feel like one. There was so much homework and we need to go to the National Library for the history folio.
Signed up for the Maths Olympian thing. Sure cannot go wan la.. Other people all so good.
HAHAHA. I can't help laughing when I was thinking of what you had done. You are always so funny and blur. Sometimes you became too whats-the-malay-word-again (to describe people like JY that always do things in a hurry) and nervous, then you'll freaked out about something really small and unimportant. I still remember when you accidentally said something wrongly and then the whole lot of people were laughing at you. All the best in your coming journey.
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