I almost missed my seni paper today because I came late, I reach school at 8. It was so scary. Malaysia's traffic standstill really is a big problem, I could've reached before 7.20.
Finally i finished all the exams for mid year!! It's so stressful, every nights of two weeks ago, I've been suffering by sleeping only 3-4 hours per day. Damn headache.
This is the new way of cheating in exam. Use your scientific calculator, because you can write the question numbers and the abcd options. Then, just pretend your friend needs the calculator. Later he can reply back through the calculator when he 'return' your calculator. The teachers are too lenient, they shouldn't have let us borrow anything from other people during exam.
Those human won't have any stationery. @.@
Today is also American Idol's finale!! No big deal, because there will be AaronKelly-free. Btw, I'm Lee's team. I don't really like Mamasox.
Okay, eclipse is coming out. I'm so looking forward to Hp7, but we'll have to pass through our PMR first.
Football season is back! Well, I'm not exactly a fan, but i've got this special limited edition pendrive. It's 8GB. =D

before the opening

it looks like a football keychain

but it's actually a 8GB pendrive!
And I owe you people some answers, which I hope no one else will ask me again in my life because I'd answered it over and over again. If it's a question from a different person, it's ok. But sometimes the very same person asked me these questions again and again.
Q : What is this thing you drinking? Is it oil or chinese tea? (The yellow liquid I always drink during recess)
SA : Neither. This is urine.
RA : It's actually something call HONEY DRINK. You know the nectar the bees get from the flowers. And it actually tastes sweets, in case you didn't know.
During exam seasons, this questions is often asked. From the malay students, Im ok with it. The probe is a few bc students which i sit with everytime during bc period asked this again and again, I'm really pissed.
Q : Why you didn't take chinese exam?
SA : I want to fail it.
RA : I'm from SK, which also means Malays schools which don't teach chinese. However, I'm not a so-called banana. I can speak, write, and read chinese. And in case you guys forgotten, I'm with you guys during free period with Puan Kalai as our guru kelas bimbingan.
Q = Questions
SA = Sarcastic Answers which I want to say to them so badly.
RA = Real Answers