Rehearsals, Installation and Graduation Fuss
c'est la vie.
Kaiwen's Place.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
It was so busy this week(It was a boring one for someone). There were so many rehearsals for the prefect 09/10 installation and for the form 5 graduation one.
Im gonna remember this incident that happened on Tuesday briefing.
Mazlan : "Alright today I'm gonna read out the duties for those prefects that will be coming on this Saturday for the graduation. Registration bla bla.. Parking bla bla.. Lintas hormat girls team bla bla.. Boys team.. Hoo Kai Wen.. bla bla bla."
He read everything so quickly. I got my name but I didn't hear that I was in Boys team. Lol.
Jian Beng : *raising up his hand* " Er excuse me.. Can you pls repeat the first name of the last duty u just mentioned?
Mazlan : *look at the paper* "Boys team - Hoo Kai Wen "
Everyone laughed.
Mazlan : " What? Anything wrong? "
Then someone told him that Hoo Kai Wen is actually a girl. Everyone laughed again.
Mazlan : " Er.. Where's Hoo Kai Wen? " *awkwardly*
Me raised up my hand.
Mazlan : " Sorry ar. "
After the class angkat, we took care of everything else and then set for the installation rehearsal. Stood there for so long, and we discovered that there'll be 9 speeches all together.
After the installation rehearsal, I went for the graduation one. Not knowing what's my duty, I just loiter around with those lintas hormat one. Did nothing for the whole day til after rehat.
The next day was the real prefect installation. Everyone got scared of fainting. Some says that we'll have to write letters and got demerit. Lucky for us the VIP (very 'impunctual' person) arrived early and he was punctual this time. We just stood for an hour. So no one fainted. =D
Then there was the graduation full rehearsal. Ran up and down to get those scrolls. I met those Sri Lankans in the library, got all freaked out whether that did I enter the room in a suitable time or not. In the hall we prefects was locking people into the store room somewhere backstage. It was very funny. And Encik Rusdi belanja us drinks. Damn wet.
And Majlis Perpisahan.. The food was quite nice but I dont think the drinks are enough. During cleaning up time are very funny. We played while we clean. Exhausted.
Took care of PA alone today. Scare anything will go wrong but nothing did.
Countdown 30 days for the hotty's wedding.
Hope that girl is ok.
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Catch Me If You Can is a 2002 comedy-drama crime film based on the life of Frank Abagnale Jr., who, before his 19th birthday, successfully conned millions of dollars by posing as a Pan American World Airways pilot, a Georgia doctor and Louisiana attorney and parish prosecutor. His primary crime was check forgery, becoming so skillful that the FBI eventually turned to him for help. Steven Spielberg directed the film, which stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale, as well as Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Amy Adams, Martin Sheen, and Nathalie Baye.
It's very nice because it's about investigation. However it's quite gross because he flirt with every girl. He's fantastic in cheating.

Steven Sraight acted as Warren Peace in Sky High which is the antagonist at first but the protagonist at last. He was very hot. (for me la - dunno bout u all) . He's the son of an unnamed superheroine and a supervillain known as Barron Battle (who is mentioned to be in jail with several life sentences thanks to Will's parents). He is pyrokinetic, meaning he can control and manipulate fire. He becomes best friends with Will at the end of the movie. Warren's color code is black and red.
Sky High is about a school for superheroes. The story line is very nice. It's like high school movies, just that those students there are a bit special because each of them have their own superpower.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Back to the Cute Kind
Gotta change my blog skin to something like this again. Because the old one was corrupted. =(
Turns Out to be No's
I don't think the class party will be held. They doesn't take it seriously. Said that they wanna discuss bout it today but they didn't. Changing the venue for so many times. Not checking things properly. I brought the cutleries for the party already but they are canceling it as if the cutleries cost nothing. But it's not my problem now, as I had decided not to go (haiz). Wasting so much of time worrying and wasting my money only.
Tomorrow must jaga assembly ground again. Then Saturday got school. Like what only. Say only holiday four days for deepavali but now must replace. They all can simply take friday as a holiday without replacing. No !!!
A big big No. I'm not going to french classes anymore. Please. I'm tired of it. But I just dunno how to tell the teacher about it. And there'll be a year end test for it. I'm just so confused. I scare she'll be not happy to know that those loyal students of hers are telling her that they're quitting french. I just can't bear the look on people's face when I reject them or telling no. I really need to learn how to reject people.
No one is going to online. They are all studying for the examinations. I wonder why am I staring blankly at this computer screen and doing nothing. They are so many piles of things for me to do but I can simply sit here relaxing. Why am I even doing this. I'm not me anymore. I need to change back to myself. Before I failed myself every subject.
No television programs until 11pm. Watching tv till 1am today. That's not me too. I never sleep after 12 during school days.
The school hall was so hot today! Many people from SAB, St John and CBN flooded the hall when it was 10am. Participants prepared for their performances. Rushing here and there.
We're just relaxing at the canteen cuz that's the recess time. After recess we were told to go to the school hall for Talentime. I was not very excited about it at first but it was totally another feeling when I saw those performances.
They were so many upper forms students performing. When we first reach there, there was the form one girl on the stage singing titanic theme song. Continued by some kinda dance which look like shuffle-ing from the st john guys, then singing groups, waltz dancing, Black or White (MJ - love it), a singer from the mentor competition, a form 6 st john girl singing and lots more amazing ones. I never know that there were so many talented students in our school. o.0
It was very nice.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Google Chrome!!
I downloaded Google Chrome!! It's really something that I should be proud of coz we're alwez outdated abit about downloading this kind of stuffs. Thanks to the idiotic Mozilla Firefox which lags every single minute. Yesterday night I actually restarted my computer for almost what seems like 10 times just because the program crashed. After downloading google chrome, there's no more problem for me! And everything just seems like processing faster than ever in Google Chrome!!
Reunion of 3
It's been one whole year since I last saw you guys! This post's gonna be long. I'm telling every single part. I really can't forget it. Don't read it if it's boring you.
I was going out from the tuition room when suddenly Lai Lai called me and said that she and Chi Yen are coming to my house. WTH!! I picked up the phone and someone just told me that they're coming to my house, when was it the last time when I ever went out with anybody? I know this sounds really really stupid. But I just got all excited. Since that tomorrow is school holiday so I agreed to follow them out.
Got up her car. Consists of 7 humans. Auntie Valerie, Cousin Zhong, Kakak, Vanessa, Lai Joe Yee, and the two sisters. Quite noisy. But the younger sister is so damn cute. Love her a lot. She even try to give me one small puppet.
First went to her grandma's house. She was probably the nicest grandma I had ever met in my life. I never thought that I wanted to sit down, but she brought a chair for me. It's quite embarrassing because she was that old and she need to take a chair for me. Ate French fries. Chat a bit. Played with phones.
Actually the main point of going to her grandma's house was to put the two youngsters there. And then we set off again. We went to somewhere in Pandan Indah, er to be exact it's Chi Yen's father's shop. They took the phone for the Kakak.
Set off again. It's the dusk. The sun was inching itself back. Went to one saloon to cut her cousin's hair. Definitely look **alot** BETTER after that cuz it's more neat. I was doing nothing so I took some pictures. But mostly tak jadi. Posted at facebook already. Read the comic MR Q. Alright Chi Yen started playing with my phone.
Went back to Ketumbar Heights again to fetch the youngsters. We was waiting for them so we had some girls talk behind the car. Mostly it was very funny. Quite private to share it out though. Her grandma came down. I really like her. She's teaching them simple chinese. She's very kind.
Right. This is the stupidest part of all. Because of the table is too small, Aunty, 2 sisters and kakak sat on one table, while Chi Yen, Joe Yee, her cousin and me sat on another one. We ordered some pizzas and a plate of chicken wings. I din't know that her cousin was so jovial because last time when I went to her house he just kept himself in his room. We played with our food, drinks and Lai Lai. Everyone take her as the fun thing to be ejek. We actually used half of the cheese powder they provided. The four of us finished another full jar of pepsi refilled by them. Lai drank the most. O_M_G. Chi Yen ate 3 or 4 chicken wings. We tested the cheese powder + pepsi on Chi Yen. She simply said it just taste like pepsi + cheese. Very brave of her!! *claps* Aren't we different from the others? Probably we were the noisiest group in the restaurant with what the non-stop laughters from our table and the also non-stop shouting of her youngest sister. We all agreed to go to another table and said : " Hey look!! " to them and we will take one piece of pizza from them. One from each table and it shall make a perfect large + diff flavour + free pizza. After finishing all the pizzas, we took the dunno-wat-its-name-vege and put it in the middle of the pizza plate. We cut it into small pieces, added it with some cheese powder and some pepsi. Look so delicious. If we ever thought of opening a restaurant, the food must taste brilliant! It was seriously the most idiotic but funny dinner I had ever have. Got to end the story bout pizza hut now if not it'll not stop when I thought of something new.
Went into the car. Chi Yen requested for the maid to sit behind instead. Neither Lai nor Chi Yen wanted to sit at the side door, so without waiting for them to argue I went inside. After that another conflict aroused, both of them wanted to sit in the middle sit. 0.o It was so funny. Finally all agreed that I should sit in the middle instead.
Oh yeah.. And we actually named each other quite a lot of names. Great Day. XD
Friday, October 16, 2009
Changes. This single word is driving me crazy. I have had enough of it. Can I simply erase it from all the English dictionary? I know this sounds so childish and crazy.
Well yeah, people need to change according to the surroundings. But please not too over do it. This year so many things had change. It's like it'll never be the same again.
I admit, I changed quite a lot though. At least I'm better than all those that doesn't admit they're changing or changed. What's my difference between last year and this year is, I had become worse a lot. I am doing a lot of things which I never dream I'll do in my life before. I'm definitely changing.
I dunno who or what influence me to change, but I'm not liking it. Last time I'll never leave my work til the last minute, however now I'll leave it til the very last minute and not sleeping just to finish it. It sounded so stupid because the other student's will be in their beds having sweet dreams and me doing it but the teacher not appreciating it. The greatest example will be the KGT. Another great change is that I never care about how much I sleep anymore. Sometimes I won't sleep at all, sometimes just a few hours. And my daily time to sleep will be 2am. I just enjoy living night life in my room all alone.
Let's not talk bout me changing. Humans around me are changing much too. They showed characteristics which I never knew was in them. They live a complete different life. It's like I never know them at all.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
One and only Feast
Today is the last day of school again. Tomorrow which is the deepavali eve is a holiday.
The atmosphere in the briefing room was so nice. I think I won't ever forget prefectorial board in my life, although I had never really into this when I was form one. ( Right I know this is mengedik ). We actually off the lights in the prefect room so that we can give him a proper surprise (Syed was complaining that he'll not be seen). Then the birthday man was here. He saw the dark room and asked Mazlan whether there's no power supply and Mazlan simply nodded. Anabelle counted 1, 2, 3 and everyone shouted Happy Birthday to him. Anabelle brought cupcakes for Mr Tan. When he went away only we know that we're not suppose to do so because he can't eat cakes. The whole prefectorial board gave Mr Tan a box of chicken essence. Hope it's good for his health. Another present is wishes from all prefects. Happy Birthday Mr Tan. =D (oh and the guy which same bday wid him)
I never attended any feast dis year, and today one was the only one i went. It was swimming club one. There were punch (i took a bottle of it) and the chicken + fish rice is very nice cuz i love sambal.
Looking forward to 2 Jaya's class's feast.
Oh yeah.. Happy Deepavali (go see facebook lar)
Monday, October 12, 2009
失去平衡 慢慢下沉
失去平衡 慢慢下沉
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Have a break, have a book
Everything I could hear from them for these short two days pmr holiday will be:
" Go and do your revision!! "
Nah.. Like I cared. Maybe everyone else does.
Lalalala.. Things happens as god likes.. And now I believe in fate.
~ Monday ~
The peak was about wearing the prefect's uniform for the first time. It felt so hot in that big coat. It felt better to see those ex prefects in their uniforms back as they look so weird with the normal ones.
~ Tuesday ~
Absolute boring day.
~ Wednesday ~
Surprise!!! Didn't know that we're getting that car that early!! It's a silver Viva Elite.
Credits to my dearest Datsun Nissan WCH 170 which serves us for more than 18 years. It felt bad when you know that they are actually bringing the car to some old factory and they're gonna squash it and sell it as besi buruk. Aww.
~ Thursday ~
Oh yeah.. A trip from our mr head prefect. I didn't know that he made friends with all the school gates and blocks lately ( he was showing us ). It was mostly very funny. Enjoy it very much.
~ Friday ~
Wearing a baju kurung is something better than the normal uniforms. At least you won't feel that hot.
Shit shit shit.. I just made a so big mistake.. It's like so stupid for me to make it. Right, Gary Oldman is Sirius Black and not Severus Snape. Snape is Alan Rickman. I always confuse with their names.
Batman : The Dark Knight
How to say.. Erm.. It's a very special movie. Christian Bale is so hot as Bruce Wayne. Take note : Gary Oldman in Batman is Jim Gordon the police officer and really you can't recognize him because it's just so big difference. I think there'll be a sequel or sth like dat.. 3 hours.. The story is kinda boring in front. However at the back it's fascinating. The story twisted and twisted. Antagonists can be protagonists and vice versa. It's very confusing if u din't watch it properly.
Let's do some planning for the following days.
I'll have two extra holidays (so few?) and am going to load it with my unfinished homework (try my best).
Most of my friends will be going to school to practise choral speaking and we're not.
I hope I'm not in that stupid Kelab Pencegah Jenayah it feels so wrong.
The internet connection sucks nowadays, even when one very lucky day i got to online but someone wants to use.
Lalalala.. Things happens as god likes.. And now I believe in fate.
~ Monday ~
The peak was about wearing the prefect's uniform for the first time. It felt so hot in that big coat. It felt better to see those ex prefects in their uniforms back as they look so weird with the normal ones.
~ Tuesday ~
Absolute boring day.
~ Wednesday ~
Surprise!!! Didn't know that we're getting that car that early!! It's a silver Viva Elite.
Credits to my dearest Datsun Nissan WCH 170 which serves us for more than 18 years. It felt bad when you know that they are actually bringing the car to some old factory and they're gonna squash it and sell it as besi buruk. Aww.
~ Thursday ~
Oh yeah.. A trip from our mr head prefect. I didn't know that he made friends with all the school gates and blocks lately ( he was showing us ). It was mostly very funny. Enjoy it very much.
~ Friday ~
Wearing a baju kurung is something better than the normal uniforms. At least you won't feel that hot.
Shit shit shit.. I just made a so big mistake.. It's like so stupid for me to make it. Right, Gary Oldman is Sirius Black and not Severus Snape. Snape is Alan Rickman. I always confuse with their names.
Batman : The Dark Knight
How to say.. Erm.. It's a very special movie. Christian Bale is so hot as Bruce Wayne. Take note : Gary Oldman in Batman is Jim Gordon the police officer and really you can't recognize him because it's just so big difference. I think there'll be a sequel or sth like dat.. 3 hours.. The story is kinda boring in front. However at the back it's fascinating. The story twisted and twisted. Antagonists can be protagonists and vice versa. It's very confusing if u din't watch it properly.
Let's do some planning for the following days.
I'll have two extra holidays (so few?) and am going to load it with my unfinished homework (try my best).
Most of my friends will be going to school to practise choral speaking and we're not.
I hope I'm not in that stupid Kelab Pencegah Jenayah it feels so wrong.
The internet connection sucks nowadays, even when one very lucky day i got to online but someone wants to use.
Today you look so nice.
I felt like spatting on your face. Postpone it again.
You disgust me. Eww.
You disgust me. Eww.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Alright. Friday the gurl absent and I spent the whole fantastic day with Yuvee in my class. That day she sort of kena left alone during the assembly for solid two hours. Yet, it was not really alone though. Thanks to the performance gap they left.
I was doing my duty in block C. Feeling boring and tired (coz of the late wwe the previous day), so I put my head on the balcony when i was sitting. Then Fatihah also felt boring dy, so she roll like a cat in her chair. Suddenly Victor came and complained that we were sleeping during our duty!! Actually we din't fell asleep. 0.o
After the assembly, it's around 9.30 already so it was break time. They ate and I jaga my astaka as usual.
Science, she didn't teach at all. I was teaching yuvee to play the rubik's cube. It was very funny because the first level doesn't need a formula to complete, so it was hard for me to explain to her the way she must do it.
I'm so so so sorry that I forgotten that today is mooncake festival. I'd just realize it when I heard the tv and radio programmes. Anyway it's not like I'm doing anything special this day. I don't play candles or lanterns, so it doesn't make any point. Sometimes I'll eat the snow white kind of mooncake which we must store in the fridge one.
Hmm.. Someone absent on Friday. Lied to me.. Saying you're coming because of it's the last day of wearing your uniform.. But nampak sngt u wanna skip the anugerah koko cuz u're taking care the form 5 rite. =D
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Missing YOUUU!!
Everyday I had been thinking of you. Facebook. Im currently so addicted to it.. Omg and the exam's coming. I'll try to polish. Finally i get a chance to post something in my blog after 4 hard days at school. It's sad that I can't online as often as i used to during the holidays.
Alright alright, I'll just give some explanation about the stupid quote my brother wrote and the answer. I'm sure that it's gonna be a boring and stupid explanation but he's threatening me that time. It suppose to mean that he know what weapon people will use in the world war 4, which will be stones and kayu. That is because when people fight in world war 3, all the humans will die. And the world war 4 will be happening when the world starts all over again, which is to mean, in zaman batu.
So our
Yesterday's computer class was like what only. Suddenly he start asking everyone about the lessons he taught us last time. Fortunately I can answer it. =)
Today everyone brought their shoes to show her. And then she sort of come late for a bit and then everyone's effort is wasted. It's like so many people's angry already. If she can't make it, then tell us don't need to bring any shoe or what.
Tomorrow will be a big day. I'm still not sure whether I should be at the assembly ground or the block. I used to be very frustrated with
Stayed back for KH's extra class. It's like we're already having extra classes before the exam year, what will it be like next year, I would never like to dream of. I need to finish up two modules, an essay and probably the science ex. And I haven't touch anything yet. If the WWE is on the tv at 12.30, I think i'll take my time to do them.
Nowadays I had become a fighter too. Time fighter. Had been struggling with time ever since it happened. Hope the surprise next week won't be not happening again.
I think I need to officially say goodbye to my pinafore and my white shirt.. Because tomorrow will be the last day you guys seeing me wearing it. 0.o