Friday, October 16, 2009


Changes. This single word is driving me crazy. I have had enough of it. Can I simply erase it from all the English dictionary? I know this sounds so childish and crazy.

Well yeah, people need to change according to the surroundings. But please not too over do it. This year so many things had change. It's like it'll never be the same again.

I admit, I changed quite a lot though. At least I'm better than all those that doesn't admit they're changing or changed. What's my difference between last year and this year is, I had become worse a lot. I am doing a lot of things which I never dream I'll do in my life before. I'm definitely changing.

I dunno who or what influence me to change, but I'm not liking it. Last time I'll never leave my work til the last minute, however now I'll leave it til the very last minute and not sleeping just to finish it. It sounded so stupid because the other student's will be in their beds having sweet dreams and me doing it but the teacher not appreciating it. The greatest example will be the KGT. Another great change is that I never care about how much I sleep anymore. Sometimes I won't sleep at all, sometimes just a few hours. And my daily time to sleep will be 2am. I just enjoy living night life in my room all alone.

Let's not talk bout me changing. Humans around me are changing much too. They showed characteristics which I never knew was in them. They live a complete different life. It's like I never know them at all.


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