Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rehearsals, Installation and Graduation Fuss

It was so busy this week(It was a boring one for someone). There were so many rehearsals for the prefect 09/10 installation and for the form 5 graduation one.

Im gonna remember this incident that happened on Tuesday briefing.
Mazlan : "Alright today I'm gonna read out the duties for those prefects that will be coming on this Saturday for the graduation. Registration bla bla.. Parking bla bla.. Lintas hormat girls team bla bla.. Boys team.. Hoo Kai Wen.. bla bla bla."
He read everything so quickly. I got my name but I didn't hear that I was in Boys team. Lol.
Jian Beng : *raising up his hand* " Er excuse me.. Can you pls repeat the first name of the last duty u just mentioned?
Mazlan : *look at the paper* "Boys team - Hoo Kai Wen "
Everyone laughed.
Mazlan : " What? Anything wrong? "
Then someone told him that Hoo Kai Wen is actually a girl. Everyone laughed again.
Mazlan : " Er.. Where's Hoo Kai Wen? " *awkwardly*
Me raised up my hand.
Mazlan : " Sorry ar. "

Hahahaha.. It was very funny even for me.

After the class angkat, we took care of everything else and then set for the installation rehearsal. Stood there for so long, and we discovered that there'll be 9 speeches all together.

After the installation rehearsal, I went for the graduation one. Not knowing what's my duty, I just loiter around with those lintas hormat one. Did nothing for the whole day til after rehat.

The next day was the real prefect installation. Everyone got scared of fainting. Some says that we'll have to write letters and got demerit. Lucky for us the VIP (very 'impunctual' person) arrived early and he was punctual this time. We just stood for an hour. So no one fainted. =D

Then there was the graduation full rehearsal. Ran up and down to get those scrolls. I met those Sri Lankans in the library, got all freaked out whether that did I enter the room in a suitable time or not. In the hall we prefects was locking people into the store room somewhere backstage. It was very funny. And Encik Rusdi belanja us drinks. Damn wet.

And Majlis Perpisahan.. The food was quite nice but I dont think the drinks are enough. During cleaning up time are very funny. We played while we clean. Exhausted.

Took care of PA alone today. Scare anything will go wrong but nothing did.
Countdown 30 days for the hotty's wedding.

Hope that girl is ok.


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