Feathery Night
I was not specifically excited before the show. Maybe because I was like seriously exhausted. That night before I only slept for two hours.
LOL never mind this picture :)

Someone forget to eat dinner because she woke up late. That's like so funny and weird.

We reached there at first, meeting a few bangla dudes selling his tags. He kept on persuading us to buy with RM10 but we just ignored him. We saw a few person dressed glamourously, which is quite cool and some of them do look like him.
I envy those persons who own those meet and greet passes, I wonder how they got them!!!! Never mind, I'm lucky enough to see him singing live already. The queue was like so long for something, which I dunno what it was for. There're some very cute mini digi planes like that which is controlled from far away.
We also saw many police and firefighters, which I was very curious why is it for until today I know why. There's a small crowd of people protesting against his concert. I wonder why are they overeacting, he promised that he would not do those stuffs means he won't. Please for a few times just try to think of him of being an authentic musician with a great voice. Luckily the crowd
dismissed very soon.
(hotpress.com) ok this is so lame. I dunno why i upload it.
We lined up and went into a long tunnel before we reached the rock zone part. It's like so far away from the stage, but we tried our best to squeeze in the front line of rock zone. Met timothy and his mom there. They played a few music videos and sponsors' advertisements on the big scr
een during our wait before the concert started. And there's this ad from star world i think, which make everyone screaming for Adam everytime it appear. It showed him in his white suit(a very cool one) with Kris Allen in the finale of season 8.
Haha the tiny gate just couldn't stand us crowd anymore. I think those really crazy fans had somehow manage to burst open the fences. Without further delay, of course we rushed to front. Luckily we're holding hands(sounds weird) if not we might got lost in the crowd. There's daniel lee, and a violinist, and another malaysian singer named iqwal???!!! if im not mistaken. I dunno.
daniel lee

iqwal (i reli dunno!)
Then there's another long wait after those guest singers. So there's those big yellow digi balls to regale us. Hahaa THAT is somthing people with numbered seats didn't get to play and they were like super excited when they'd got them sometimes.

There's also this funny woman in silver clothes who danced Bad Romance at those free seating areas and she actually managed to grab every single person's attention in the stadium.
He started with a medley of songs. He danced during Strut. There were a flying kiss during "Fever", which was the most he had gave us Malaysian fans. The peak was If I Had You, where he asked everyone to sing with him and where he introduced his band members and dancers. Everyone jumped and sang.

"sure fire winners"
I was recording a bit - lucky those RELA people didn't realise, but when i went home and listened back all i heard was those fans screaming. And every time he hit high notes, the fans actually screamed their heads off. I think two fainted at the our zone.

He introduced his band members. When it reaches Tommy Joe Ratliff's turn, everyone hoped that something would happen because the screaming just didn't die. Haha and Adam sort of show us a speechless and adorable smile indicating that he would've loved to but there's this promise thingy going on with him and the gov. Ok we'll understand though there's less thrilling it's still amazing. Anyway he did that for our own good, so that he'll be allowed back to Malaysia sometime later.
i totally salute his bass skill and he's super hot!

By the way i think the band was too loud. A bit sort of covered his voice. OMG i just love the way he sang aftermath and broken open acoustic. Ok q here saying he cried when he sang broken open. I don't think so. I still think that was his glitter or sweat.

Met so many people. Was totally worn out. I think I stood almost 5 hours for him. Nevermind, it worth it afterall. Free standing is still better than numbered sitting. You don't get to party together with everyone.
I hope that the press can help him spread his Glam Nation theme. He said the theme of that night was LOVE. It's not gay. So just stop insulting it's so annoying.
Okay, I just signed up for twitter out of nothing just to follow what Adam Lambert has to say about his Glam Nation Tour. I saw from here
http://www.mmail.com.my/content/52239-adam-glams-our-nation-tonight that he's not very happy about the parties statement that he's bringing a so called gay lifestyle in his concert. Well he's right to be furious. Ok, i think he just love auckland so much.
Thank you for such awesome show. Made my night =)